Stellen wir uns vor, du bist unzufrieden mit deinem Leben und brauchst dringend eine Veränderung. Also machst du dich...
Auch wenn du denkst, dass deine Träume zu hoch gegriffen wären, auch wenn die Menschen um dich herum dich...
9 Ways To Help Your Staff Stay Productive (Even When They Are Tired) — Undercover Recruiter
DandDMuc, , Life Hacks, Remote Work, Start Up, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0Deadlines, big projects, and seasonal rushes can put a strain on the best of companies, as your team puts...
Building an Analytics Team From the Ground Up #Infographic — Visualistan
DandDMuc, , Data Science, Thoughts, Working 4.0, Analytics, Business, Ideas, 0As the data industry continues to expand, it will be important for businesses to develop an analytics team that...
Gelungene Präsentation – How to think like a startup – von Loic Le Meur —
DandDMuc, , Start Up, Thoughts, Business, Consultant, Design, Präsentation, 0Wer ein Start-up gründet oder gründen will, sollte wissen, wie die dynamische Start-up-Szene so tickt. Einen sehenswerten Einblick in...
How to Get Noticed by Your Niche’s Big Potential Clients (6 Key Tips) — Elegant Themes Blog
DandDMuc, , Life Hacks, Showcase, Thoughts, 0Whether you’re a web developer, site designer, or content marketer, landing the biggest clients in your niche can seem...
How to Create an All-Star LinkedIn Profile #Infographic — Visualistan
DandDMuc, , Thoughts, Working 4.0, Business, Design, Ideas, Recruiting, 0Having a LinkedIn profile is no longer enough – especially if no one is seeing it. Or worse, people...
Das Digitale Toolkit – die hilfreichsten Alltags-Tools für Online Worker — smartworkers
Marc, , Digital Nomad, Life Hacks, Remote Work, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0Digitalisierung, so heißt es oft in den Medien, sei in Deutschland noch unterentwickelt. Fakt ist aber, dass die deutsche...
Wie Millennials arbeiten wollen (und werden): Flexibilität statt Loyalität — smartworkers
Marc, , Digital Nomad, Remote Work, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0Koh Lipe. Auch bedeutungsvoll “die Malediven Thailands” genannt. Hier sitze ich mit meinem MacBook vor meinem Bungalow und schreibe...

This Infographic will assist us to understand better about the skills and responsibilities of Data Engineer and Data Scientist. Also, it helps us to compare salaries, popular software and tools used by each. Hope this helps!über Data Engineer vs Data Scientist (Infographic) — Learn Analytics
7 Productivity Hacks for a Remote Office —
DandDMuc, , Digital Nomad, Life Hacks, Remote Work, Thoughts, 1Great employers are always on the lookout for productivity hacks. Use these seven hacks to boost productivity in your...
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