Freelancing or working from home are becoming more common these days as freelance websites are getting increasingly popular and...
Archive for category: Working 4.0
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The Trade Licence in the Czech Republic: a great option for everyone starting out as a freelancer — Tax Free Today
DandDMuc, , Digital Nomad, english, Life Hacks, Remote Work, Tax Free, Thoughts, Webtips, Working 4.0, 0Inside the European Union, the old Soviet Bloc has a whole host of pleasant surprises in store for the...
VAT on digital products – when to charge VAT in the European Union — Tax Free Today
DandDMuc, , Digital Nomad, english, Remote Work, Tax Free, Thoughts, Webtips, Working 4.0, 0Undoubtedly, VAT in the European Union is a complex issue and although we usually know how much to charge...
The Trade Licence in the Czech Republic: a great option for everyone starting out as a freelancer — Tax Free Today
DandDMuc, , english, Life Hacks, personal growth, Remote Work, Tax Free, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0Inside the European Union, the old Soviet Bloc has a whole host of pleasant surprises in store for the...
The world’s four tax systems – where and how you can live without paying taxes — Tax Free Today
DandDMuc, , Blogging, Digital Nomad, english, Remote Work, Tax Free, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0There are 206 independent States in the world today. They all have total autonomy when it comes to their...
5 Herausforderungen digitaler virtueller-Assistenz-Nomaden — Pia Newman
DandDMuc, , Blogging, Digital Nomad, Life Hacks, personal growth, Remote Work, Thoughts, Webtips, Working 4.0, 0Das Leben als digitaler Nomade hört sich toll an – und bietet sich für VAs auch an. Es birgt...
Kindergeld bei Work and travel — Steuernsparen
DandDMuc, , Digital Nomad, Remote Work, Showcase, Thoughts, Webtips, Working 4.0, 0Grundsätzlich erhalten Eltern, deren Kind an einem work and travel-Programm teilnimmt, kein Kindergeld. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie es...
10 Business Podcasts die Du Dir anhören solltest …
Marc, , Digital Nomad, Life Hacks, personal growth, Remote Work, Start Up, Thoughts, Webtips, Working 4.0, 0Der Orginal-Artikel erschien auf Nachdem auch ich leider tagtäglich mit viel zu vielen Aufgaben beladen werde nutze ich immer...
Seit 30 Jahren nehme ich Vorstellungsgespräche wahr. Mal auf der einen Seite, mal auf der anderen. In den letzten...
How to Find Location-Independent Jobs for Soon-to-Be Grads —
DandDMuc, , Life Hacks, Remote Work, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0Just because you’re a soon-to-be grad doesn’t mean you can’t find location-independent jobs. Here’s how to start your remote...
über Professional Networking: The Ultimate Guide to Forging New Connections — Remote Team Management, Startup Marketing & Growth Blog by Hubstaff
DandDMuc, , Digital Nomad, Life Hacks, Remote Work, Showcase, Thoughts, Webtips, Working 4.0, 0Professional networking is hard. Really hard. You carry business cards, send out LinkedIn invites, and go to boring networking...
Flexpat – eine neue Platform …
Marc, , Digital Nomad, Remote Work, Thoughts, Webtips, Working 4.0, 0Der Beitrag Flexpat – eine neue Platform … erschien zuerst auf BrainBooker. …diesen Beitrag findet Ihr auf meinem Working 4.0 Blog:...
You are now on Flexpat application list
Marc, , Digital Nomad, Remote Work, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0Fortsetzung zu meinen Erfahrungen mit eines neuen Portals: Flexpat Nach meiner Registrierung kam das folgende Mail in dem mir...
10 Slack Features That Make It a Perfect Project Management Tool — Remote Team Management, Startup Marketing & Growth Blog by Hubstaff
DandDMuc, , Remote Work, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0There are tons of project management tools out there. We talk about Asana, Jira, Basecamp, Wrike, and others all...
Thinking to Start an Online Business? Here’s Your Toolkit and Reading List — Tweak Your Biz
DandDMuc, , Digital Nomad, Positive, Remote Work, Start Up, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0Entrepreneurship … it is more than a difficult word at a spelling bee. It is a term that speaks...
Virtual Assistant Services vs. Freelancers: Pros and Cons — Remote Team Management, Startup Marketing & Growth Blog by Hubstaff
DandDMuc, , Digital Nomad, Life Hacks, Remote Work, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0How much time do you spend on little things every day? Wouldn’t it be nice if you had an...
9 Ways To Help Your Staff Stay Productive (Even When They Are Tired) — Undercover Recruiter
DandDMuc, , Life Hacks, Remote Work, Start Up, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0Deadlines, big projects, and seasonal rushes can put a strain on the best of companies, as your team puts...
Building an Analytics Team From the Ground Up #Infographic — Visualistan
DandDMuc, , Data Science, Thoughts, Working 4.0, Analytics, Business, Ideas, 0As the data industry continues to expand, it will be important for businesses to develop an analytics team that...
How to Create an All-Star LinkedIn Profile #Infographic — Visualistan
DandDMuc, , Thoughts, Working 4.0, Business, Design, Ideas, Recruiting, 0Having a LinkedIn profile is no longer enough – especially if no one is seeing it. Or worse, people...
Das Digitale Toolkit – die hilfreichsten Alltags-Tools für Online Worker — smartworkers
Marc, , Digital Nomad, Life Hacks, Remote Work, Thoughts, Working 4.0, 0Digitalisierung, so heißt es oft in den Medien, sei in Deutschland noch unterentwickelt. Fakt ist aber, dass die deutsche...
Neueste Beiträge
- What Does a Copywriter Do & How Do You Become One? — The Next Web
- 51 Freelance Websites To Find Online Jobs – Start Working From Home Today — Ordinary Reviews
- Why these business tools are borderline genius for new-age entrepreneurs — The Next Web
- Keeping your business credit score up — Tweak Your Biz
- The Trade Licence in the Czech Republic: a great option for everyone starting out as a freelancer — Tax Free Today